
Stay updated with events and every-day activities at PITS.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Estate Manager's All India Tour

Mr. Ambrose, our estate manager made an All India Tour on his customized Royal Enfield Bullet over the last week covering over 5,000 km.

His route commencing at Thanjavur took him to Salem, Bangalore, Hassan, Mangalore, Udipi, Hanawar, Jog Falls, Karwar, Goa, Bombay, Nashik, Pune, Sholapur, Hyderabad, Karnool, Kadappa, Tirupathi, Thiruthani, Chennai, Mahabalipuram, Pondicherry from where he returned to Thanjavur.

Mr. Ambrose with his Royal Enfield Bullet at the Campus Estate after his Tour
Here are a few photographs from his tour. You can click on the photographs for better image-size.
Gateway of India, Mumbai

Nariman Point, Mumbai

Panaji, Goa

Jog Falls


Charminar, Hyderabad


Friday, April 29, 2011

University Practical Exams (Day 5)

University practical exams continued today with 3rd year students appearing for their Communication & Soft-Skills Lab.
3rd year Students at the Language Lab

Examiners and Students at the Language Lab

Thursday, April 28, 2011

University Practical Exams (Day 4)

University Practical Exams for 2nd and 3rd year students continued today.
Rehearsal Exams continue for 1st year students today.

2nd Year Students
3rd Year Students at the DSP Laboratory

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

University Practical Exams (Day 3)

University Practical Examinations continued today with 3rd year students attending their Laboratory Practical Sessions.

University Practicals: Students at the DSP Lab

Practicals: Students of CSE

First year students continued their Rehearsal Examinations today
First year students - Rehearsal Examination

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

University Practical Exams (Day 2)

Today, Anna University Practical examinations are on for 2nd and 3rd year students. 1st year students are writing their Rehearsal Examinations in preparation for their University Theory Examinations.

Electrical Machines Laboratory - University Practical Examination
Civil Engineering Students, University Practical Examination
First Year Students, Rehearsal Examination

First Year Students, Rehearsal Examination

Monday, April 25, 2011

University Practical Examinations

Students Prior to Practical Exam
This week, beginning April 25 2011, students have their university practical examinations conducted by Anna University.

Students at Laboratory during their Practical Exam

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

PITS - Cultural Awards

PITS Cultural Awards were presented to students who participated in competitions involving extra curricular activities.

Winners of Photography, Videography, Resume Writing Contests along with Winners of "Festin' o Beats" - Dance, Singing, Music, Model-Making, Pencil Sketching and other cultural contests received their prizes from Mr. A Azhagappan, Correspondent of Blossom School. He also toured the Students Centre after the function.
Chief Guest, Mr. A Azhagappan, seated right

Chief Guest, Chairman and Dignitaries on Stage
Student Receiving a Prize at the Cultural Awards Fest

National Integration Song