
Stay updated with events and every-day activities at PITS.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

University Theory Exams

University theory examinations for all batches of students commence today.

We wish all the students the best, and  hope that they will reap the rewards for the effort they have invested in academics through the entire semester.

Students preparing an hour before the examination

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Summer Preparations

As the Summer of 2011 sets in, students spend time at the Students Centre to relax.

Indoor Games, Chess and Carrom at the Students' Centre

Flooring work at the Indoor Badminton Court
Preparations for improving the indoor stadium are also on, with work in progress for maintenance and improvement of the flooring.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Study Camp

Students at the Study Camp
 Third year students are participating in a Study Camp. Students who need additional preparation ahead of their University Theory Examinations are given special classes held along with Tests to help them prepare for their examinations.
Students participating in the Study Camp

University Practical Examinations, First Year

University Practical Examinations continued for the first year students.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First Year University Practical Exams

First year students began their University Practical Examinations on 9-May-2011. Simultaneously some of the 3rd year students are attending a study camp until 11-May-2011 to help them ramp up their subjects with the assistance of their Subject lecturers.

Students at the Chemistry Lab

Staff & Students at the Chemistry Lab

Students at the Physics Lab

Monday, May 9, 2011

Engineering Admissions - 2011

Engineering Admissions for the batch of 2011 for HSC students, and admissions to the batch of 2010 for Lateral Entry students is now open.

Please contact the college office
(Ph: 04362 256 585 / 255 954 Fax: 04362 - 255 976) for application forms.

For any further assistance in admission, please contact the Course Counsellor on +91 9486467791 or send e-mail to parisuthamtech@aol.com

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cessna Aircraft for Aeronautical Engineering Students

Here's a preview of the Cessna Aircraft that will be available at college shortly.

This photograph was taken prior to shipping.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Engineering Admissions for 2011-2012

 Admissions will commence upon the publication of HSC (+2) and Polytechnic results. Please contact the college office (Ph: 04362 256 585 / 255 954 Fax: 04362 - 255 976) for application forms.
For any further assistance in admission, please contact the Course Counsellor on +91 9486467791 or send e-mail to parisuthamtech@aol.com

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Admissions open for 2011

For assistance in admission please contact the Course Counsellor on
+91 94864 67791
send an e-mail to parisuthamtech@aol.com

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rehearsal Exams for 3rd Year Students

Rehearsal Exams commenced for Third Year students for their "VI Semester" Theory examinations today. These examinations follow the pattern and syllabus of the University examination and help them prepare for their oncoming University Theory Exams.

New Indian Express Reports on Excelencia 2011

The New Indian Express published a report on Excelencia 2011, the Annual Day of PITS.

Excelencia 2011, our Annual day was celebrated on 2-April-2011. Dr. V Ramachandran, former Vice-Chancellor, Anna University of Technology, Trichy presided over the event. He distributed awards to the winners.

The function was graced by parents and well-wishers of the institution. The cultural events on the day provided wonderful entertainment. Students were extremely professional and disciplined in their conduct, and abstained from watching the ICC World Cup Cricket Finale - showing their endearment to the institution.