
Stay updated with events and every-day activities at PITS.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Lobby - A New Look

Walk into PITS Campus this Monday and witness an upgrade to the look of our Lobby.

Click on the Picture for a Higher Resolution Version

PITS Notice Board

For those of you who want quick updates, you should just listen to
http://twitter.com/pitsinet/ - which requires a simple twitter client on your computing device or phone while at home.

Those who use Facebook on regular basis can use the http://www.facebook.com/groups/245811832096457?ap=1 (PITS Notice Board) registered on Facebook. This was setup by Prakash Anand.

For those who find internet access difficult after leaving college premises, you can sign up for the PITSNOTICEBOARD service jointly launched by T Siva and Dinesh Kumar of the final year. After sign-up you can receive messages on your registered mobile phone. These messages are essentially broadcast messages sent using 'smschannels' (a product of google labs.)

To join, please use the internet to sign up http://labs.google.co.in/smsch​annels/subscribe/PITSNOTICEBOA​RD?key=12024430415229826874
(The above link is an invitation request.)

The above link is functional while this blog has been written. You will receive alerts and Text messages to your phone officially. These Messages are officially moderated.

For any doubts on messages, you can cross check with betasam[at]gmail[dot]com or call +919366666919 when needed.

For doubts on getting access to the SMS noticeboard, you may approach Mr. T Siva of Final Year (B.Tech. IT) on alternate invite procedures.

Let's get digital, spread information quickly, and use less paper.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Rare Books in our Library

We take this opportunity to thank Prof. Dr. Robert McGhie and Prof. Dr. G. Krishnamoorthy for facilitating our Library with a collection of Rare books.

Students are requested to contact the Library staff for information on these books. It is a special privilege to have access to Rare Books. Let us use them wisely.