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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Semester Reopening Today!

Today, PITS is ready to welcome all the students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year back to classes. For the Final year students this semester (VIII) will be the most crucial of all that they have had insofar. The members of the Faculty are all committed to raising the level of our academics several notches higher as we progress forward. Your regularity, punctuality, attention to detail and perseverance toward perfection will help making you better citizens for the future.

Your reopening date has been advanced to help you complete preparing for the University examinations pertaining to this semester earlier than everyone else. If you avail this opportunity, you will find options open to learn more and add additional skills beyond your university curriculum and syllabus. Please give priority to these classes and ensure that your performance is no lesser than the best you can give. Read on to know what's in store in the Morning and Afternoon sessions.

Morning Session
During the Morning Session, you will be given an overview of the syllabus an courses you will be taken which is scheduled according to the academic hours you have. You are requested to bring your complete study kits to note down all that is important. Rules and Regulations of the college must be followed on your behalf to make the experience pleasant rather than waste time correcting your own basics.

During this full introductory session, you will understand your syllabus, even your lab experiments. Staff members may even select students who will be giving Seminars and give you the deadlines for your Assignments. It is necessary to plan for this semester at your best.

Afternoon Session
You will have the opportunity to have an interaction, at the Lecture Theater for this. This will be also be preparatory work and activity towards your curricular and co-curricular status. For the Final year students, there is a special session on "Project Management" handled by Mr. Sunil and Mr. Dinesh. Understanding our technique and focus during this session is of paramount importance. Do bring your Laptops!

Keep this session interactive and you will learn how you can complete your projects, gaining knowledge in the process and honing practical skills that will make you engineers ready for the field.

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