The odd semester university examinations for the year of 2011-2012 begin this week:
We wish all the students the Best of your efforts in attending and securing high marks. We have high hopes in each of you that you will score top marks and bring Laurels to our Institution.
Prior to the start of the set of examinations, ensure that you have:
Rules of the Institution should always be followed. During examination times, exceptions will not be given to:
If you are writing an examination, here are a few tips you should follow each day of the examination:
Upon Entering the Examination Hall Ten (10) minutes prior to the start of the Examination:
Answering the Examination for Peak Performance:
All the Best for everyone attending Examinations.
We wish all the students the Best of your efforts in attending and securing high marks. We have high hopes in each of you that you will score top marks and bring Laurels to our Institution.
Prior to the start of the set of examinations, ensure that you have:
- The Hall Ticket, duly collected on depositing the No Objection Certificate to your respective Departments.
- Ensure that you have your Institution Identity Card as a compulsory item.
- All necessary Examination aids - Writing equipment, Calculation Aids, Drawing Aids should be assembled into an Exam kit. The color of the Pen used to write the examination must be Blue. In extreme circumstances Black is also permitted, but is best avoided.
- The correct schedule of Examinations, including the time published by the University. It is better that you have this cross-verified and make a table. One copy of this table should be with you and one should be with your parents, guardians, or room-mates to ensure that you never miss an Exam.
- Uniforms should be ready [black leather shoes polished] - and prepare a schedule or means to ensure that they will be ready prior to each exam to ensure perfect grooming.
- Ensure that you have a wrist-watch. If you do not have the habit of wearing one, it is advisable to buy one.
Rules of the Institution should always be followed. During examination times, exceptions will not be given to:
- Spoken English default - which shall be fined, noted and followed-up for counseling and correction.
- Self Driven Vehicles must not be used and will be confiscated indefinitely.
- Improper Uniform or Grooming
- Lack of examination kits - shall be noted, followed-up for counseling and correction.
- No Marking, Writing on Hall Tickets should be present.
- Possession of Mobile Phones, other Digital Communication Equipment - shall be deemed as an offense and due action shall be taken according to the rules of the University and the rules of our Institution.

If you are writing an examination, here are a few tips you should follow each day of the examination:
- You must be in full uniform, properly groomed as required by the Institution's rules. (In truth, this is a huge boost to your own self-esteem.)
- Ensure that you reach the campus at least 45 minutes prior to the examination to handle any delays
- Your examination kit should have your "Hall Ticket", Writing Equipment, Drawing Aids, Calculation Aids (Calculators, Permitted Tables)
- You must wear a wrist-watch that keeps accurate time and not depend on the wall-clock that is at your examination hall to manage time perfectly.
- If you have the habit of carrying a purse, ensure that it does not contain any loose paper or torn bus-tickets. Your pockets MUST NOT contain additional items [hair combs, elaborate key-chains, currency notes, etc.] that you do not require for the examination.
- Ensure that you "personally" check your examination seating. Do not talk to fellow-students while checking your exam halls. There are staff members who can help you if there is any confusion in the 'Seating Arrangements' displayed. This must be done at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the Exam.
- Always remain in a relaxed state prior to the examination. If you practice Yoga or Meditation, it would be a good time to use pranayama to keep yourself relaxed.
- Any Notes or Material intended for refreshing the subject during the last hour should alone be brought. Consultation and Study during this revision hour is best advised.
- You must have a Time Plan to utilize all Three[3] Hours of the Examination to ensure "Peak Performance."
- Ten (10) Minutes before to the start of the examination, you must ensure that you have your writing kit with you and pack all study aids - including notes, textbooks and laptops. This is to allow the mind to relax and be prepared to answer questions without being stressed.
- Silence must be maintained at least ten (10) minutes prior to entering examination Halls. You may speak to assisting staff members alone.
- Our Campus has a lot of greenery. It is good that you look at greenery nearest to the examination hall. It is scientifically proven to improve recall if you are looking at greenery prior the exam.
Upon Entering the Examination Hall Ten (10) minutes prior to the start of the Examination:
- Ensure that you find the correct seat. Avail the help of the Invigilators alone. Do not talk to your fellow-students at this time.
- Upon finding your seat, you are required to place the Hall Ticket on the table and all examination aids. No purse or box should be left with you. If you have carried the items in a box or purse, you must hand it over to the invigilator.
- Look inside the desk and around you to ensure that there are no suspicious papers including wrappers, bus-tickets or other items. If such items are found, report them IMMEDIATELY to the Invigilator.
- If you can receive the answer booklet from the Invigilator, you may write down the essential information and revise your time plan for the examination. This can save you precious time.
- Arrange items you have in a manner such that you can use them without searching for them. Make sure that the Hall Ticket and your Identity Card are easily availble for cross verification.
- Ensure that you have sufficient ink in the pen, lead in your pencil to last for the entire examination and permitted aids like a calculator are in full working condition [with new batteries.]
- If you have any doubts or difficulties, please consult the Invigilator or Staff in-charge of conducting the examination. Do not query your fellow-students as they may not give you the correct guidelines or answers you need.
Answering the Examination for Peak Performance:
- Wait until the Question Paper is distributed to you. Upon receiving the Question Paper ensure that the Question Paper belongs to the correct subject.
- Read the Questions and form a plan to attend the questions. This process should not take more than ten (10) minutes.
- Do not make any markings on the question paper during the Examination. This is not permitted by the University.
- Do not borrow or exchange any material with any of your neighbors. This is not permitted by the University.
- After forming your Time Plan, start writing the answers ensuring that they are in "Proper Sequence" in the answer booklet. DO NOT JUMBLE ANSWERS.
- Underline Headings neatly (This can be done while post-processing / checking your answers.)
- Draw Diagrams neatly and label in Bold letters with a pencil ensuring that they are legible.
- While attending mathematical problems, clarify "Given Data", "Objective", "Procedure", "Result/Proof"
- Do not throw any answer sheets or malfunctioning writing aids on the floor during the Examination.
- Never talk to any fellow-student or neighbor during an examination. You may be disbarred for such an infraction.
- When the Invigilator is giving you instructions, please LISTEN to them carefully. Always address them politely. If you receive any tables or additional graph sheets or extra sheets [if necessary], please Thank them and be very polite.
- If you need to do rough calculation, it must be done as part of your answer booklet and NEVER on the Question Paper or anywhere else.
- Your Examination is designed for 2:30hrs, while the the permitted time is 3:00hrs. Hence allocate at least twenty (20) minutes for Review.
- During this Review period, post-process - Underline Headings with Sketch Pen, Underline Keywords with light pencil to ensure they are noticed and verify your answers. If an answer needs to be corrected,
strike outthe incorrect word or sentence or paragraph with a dark pencil with. Do not try to hide that by coloring over it. - Check all calculations to ensure that arithmetic and numerical errors or careless mistakes are identified and corrected.
- The concluding sheet of the examination should be marked '- COMPLETE -' using a pencil. Any additional blank sheets may be neatly struck out with a single diagonal line. If there are any blank pages in-between answers or much blank spacing in-between answers you must mention 'THIS SPACE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK' in pencil.
- After complete review, ensure that the first page contains the correct "Registration Number", Subject Name and Number, Date, Signature of the Invigilator, your Signature if required.
- Do not sit in the examination hall IDLE, if you have not yet completed the Examination. If you have completed the Examination and all the answers, Review and Post-Process your Answer Script as many times as possible.
- In any case - DO NOT LEAVE THE EXAMINATION HALL before the last bell. There are no advantages in "early submission" of the answer script and this can be avoided.
- DO NOT CONTINUE WRITING after the last bell of the Examination. This is considered an offense and your answer script may not be collected.
- Do not stand outside the Examination Hall to discuss your performance. Please leave orderly without any interaction after collecting your belongings/bags. If any discussion is necessary with your fellow-students regarding anything please go to the student center for the discussion.
- It is a very good habit to meet the Professor/Lecturer handling the Subject after the Examination, show the Question Paper and discuss any doubts regarding the Answers with them.
- Please "Thank" your Professor/Lecturer for the effort they have taken to enable you attend the examination.
- You must archive/file all University Question Papers for future review. Do not dispose them or lose them.
- Adhering to bus timing, please leave the Campus in an orderly fashion. Do not remove your ties, un-tuck your shirts or loosen/undo your buttons whilst leaving the Campus. THIS IS UNNECESSARY - and you will be taken to task.
- If you have to wait for a Parent, Guardian or Relative to pick you up from the Campus, please wait at the Common Room. DO NOT CROWD THE BRIDGE.
- Avoid hindering others, especially staff members from moving in the Corridor.
- First Year Students will have classes. It is important not to disturb them while you are leaving the Campus.
- Do not "SHOUT" to call a friend or run in the corridor after the examination.
- DO NOT CROWD any Water Dispensing Machines.
- Hostel Students must quickly move to their respective hostels or cafeteria as directed by their Warden without remaining in the Main Block.
- Meet your Department Head of the Department and give them feedback on how you performed after you meet the Professor/Lecturer in-charge.
- The Dress Code for all Students is the "UNIFORM" prescribed by the Institution. No alternate wear will be permitted.
- Final year students: Gentlemen must wear their ties, formal shirts and black shoes. Ladies must wear black slip-on shoes. Blazers may be avoided.
- Please ensure that no part of your inform is damaged.
- Ties should be worn with the neck-button. Keeping all of them loosened does not help you relieve examination tension.
- De Facto keeping yourself in proper uniform helps ensure that you are observant and careful during the entire Examination.
- Staff Members will be available to supervise. Anyone arguing with Staff Members will not be allowed to write further examinations.
- Staff Members are available to HELP you with your subjects. You may consult them for doubts after having Lunch. If you are searching for a particular staff member, please make an inquiry with the "RECEPTION." Do not attempt to search for the Staff Member yourself.
- Staff Members will give you directions on how to write your answers. Please listen to them and follow their instructions on which textbook to follow and how to study.
- If you are having any doubts prior to the examination, you may also post the question on PITS e-Learning network, available through
- If you are unable to reach the Campus on the examination on time during a scheduled Examination, call up and inform the COE Office. If possible, also Call and inform Mr. Sunil, Director of Incubation & Placement [+91 93666 66919] or Warden or Batch Counselor.
- You are permitted to enter the hall for 25 minutes after the bell, and no later. Do not argue if this rule is enforced.
- During the examination, if you have a medical emergency, quickly inform the Invigilator. Staff will be standing by to quickly attend to this.
- Do not call up the COE office to find out the Examination schedule. Instead, pay an early visit to the Campus when in doubt.
All the Best for everyone attending Examinations.
Thanks a lot,This is the only institution doing all this, I Love My institution.......