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Monday, December 12, 2011

PITSiNET Network Rules and Regulations for Securing IT Infrastructure

The following six(6) rules are being framed to tighten the security of our PITS network (PITSiNET). These rules are expected to be followed by everyone in the campus .

1.    (1) Those who want to bring their personal laptops for use inside the campus have to register their MAC addresses with the Tech-Cell . Only after doing so they will be granted entry in to the network .

2.    (2) No one is permitted to bring their own hardware and plug it to PC/Systems inside the Campus. This includes external USB sticks, USB Drives, external Hard Disks, external CD-ROM Drives and  USB Broadband Devices. Anyone attempting to use additional network cards without registering the MAC address to the Tech-Cell  will have their network access disabled and blacklisted automatically .

(Please read further for all security rules which are applicable to both members of the staff and students.)

3.    You should use only the IP address that is  assigned to your device , any attempt to change it will only blacklist your device and the device will be denied network access .

4.    Although we provide maximum security for your device in PITSiNET , it is advised that you have secure and long passwords to avoid your account(s) from being a victim to any unexpected attacks on the network .

5.    If any computer is attempting to bypass the PITSiNET firewall / Web filter that particular device will be immediately blacklisted automatically by the router .

6.    If anyone attempts to gain unauthorized access to others computer(s) or found to attack the PITSiNET by any means (software / hardware) will be suspended from the institution and be reported to the Cybercrime division of the Police department .

A. Dinesh Parisutham
(Director of technology - PITS)

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