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Sunday, November 13, 2011

PITS Hosts 'National Children Science Congress' Event

On, Sunday, 13-Nov-2011, The Campus of PITS played host to the National Children Science Congress event. Resident students of PITS from the batch of 2011-15 ("first year") volunteered along with faculty members to conduct a memorable event.

Registrations for the event began at 8:30am in the morning with volunteer staff and students assisting.

About 850 Children from various parts of the District of Thanjavur participated in the event. The event began at 10:00am in the morning.

 The children presented various ideas on Soil Conservation and Ecological Preservation, having tested them for weeks.
 Eminent scholars and experts formed the Jury interacting with the Children, understanding the ideas of the next generation and helping them improve their understanding and usage of Scientific method. The proceedings of the scientific presentations took until 3:00pm to complete.

The Valedictory function began at 4:00pm with an interactive program with the prize-winning Children.

 The valedictory function took place at the PITS Indoor Stadium located at our Students Center.

The proceedings concluded at 5:45pm after children who took part in the event received their prizes and complements from the Chief Guest.

The visiting faculty, Children and all guests felt at home while at our Campus, thanks to all the student volunteers, members of the staff and the event coordinators.

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