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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Projects: Getting Started ...

Get started with your projects now. The process for your projects has been well-define and given to you. Please follow the process completely. As already informed the process consists of a set of milestones from which you can earn credits on your project. All projects must be conducted under the guidance of the Tech Cell within the Campus only. There are no exceptions to this rule. All students working on a project must participate actively and ensure that they execute each activity with perfection.

The Tech Cell Provides 2 Sessions on Project Management for your Final Year Projects - the first session at 11:15am and the second at 02:15pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (24,25,26 Nov 2012.)

If you have attended these sessions, you will understand the multi-stage process which uses continual tracking to ensure consistency.

Projects can be completed early within a period of 2 months with 12 compulsory Milestones and 2 optional milestones for bonus credits. Submission on deadlines will be given a penalty of 1 credit. Submissions on any date after the deadline will be given a penalty of 20 credits. Total credits that a project "must" earn is 200. In the absence of all the credits, a project will be deemed incomplete.

You are welcome to register your project team immediately. The process will start as soon as you register. 
Those who have had a meeting at the Tech Cell - in person - may fill up this form which is located here. (Get Started.)

All Project related email must be sent to sunil.beta@parisuthamtech.co.in only and not to betasam[at]gmail[dot]com. Please do not send e-mail to incorrect id as response will be based on your carefulness.

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